Your TARGET at ArtBasel Miami 2022 is here
ArtBasel in Miami is a must-visit event for all those in the art industry. Here and only here you get an amazing opportunity to meet all the incredible people.
All the unique artist talks and panels one can get a lot of insight of what is happening in the Art world.
The most prominent gallerists, curators and artists of the modern culture get together at one place and one time. ArtBasel is the best way to dive into the world of creativity and inspiration!
Did you know, that there is a long existing legend that some most influential collectors dress up as workers and try to sneak into the site of the future ArtBasel and find out what will be displayed the next day and be the first to buy what they have already seen.
ArtBasel is the most important art event of the year. Hundreds of galleries present their artwork and their number is way above thousands of pieces!
We’ll visit the most important events during the ArtBasel and will keep you updated - Sotheby's Institute Miami Alumni, RitzCarlton Seven Decades and Beyond evening and many more!
Stay tuned!