Interview for the magazine "AVESSO" Art & Culture Creative Community Miami Fl.
1 of July 2023
Curator Nadiia Chernovil
Flavio (F): Hi, Nadia! I want to tell our readers about the unforgettable experience of participating in the creation of a painting for the Museum of Human Goals, which my guests and I had during the celebration of my birthday. Please tell us what the Museum of Human Goals is.
Nadia (N): Hi, Flavio! The Museum of Human Goals is a place where our team collects, studies, preserves, and exhibits a unique material and digital collection of NFTs representing the positive goals of our contemporaries. The museum aims to capture your names, people participating in the project, places and events associated with your memories, and the achievement of positive goals, and to include them in the history of art.
Like any museum of art, ours is no exception. However, our unique feature is that you, the participants, are the creators of your own goals. The interactive collection is constantly expanding with new goals, participants, events, artists, and viewers who have the opportunity to become part of the IQTargets Art movement and continuously share their positive goals with the world.
As part of the Museum's research and educational programs for art students and other social groups, we organize classes, art courses, and motivational lectures dedicated to the study, structuring, and achievement of goals. We also conduct art therapy sessions and art workshops, as well as organize international and local competitions for artists working in various media.
Since our foundation in 2014, together with our participants, we have achieved significant results and accumulated valuable knowledge that we are happy to share. Each of your positive goals is our development and scaling in the world of real and virtual blockchain art.
Thanks to modern technology and the universal language of art, you leave a visual legacy, and we conduct research, promote national and international cultural programs, and contribute to diversity and tolerance in art.
F: What do the artworks represent and how are they created?
N: Each painting is unique and different from others in many aspects. The process of creating paintings is labor-intensive and involves several stages.
During the Planning stage, together with our partners, we develop the details of the EVENT, the CONCEPT, the STRATEGY, and the TACTICS for an effective introduction of the idea to a specific audience. We create informational banners and a photo zone for a photoshoot of the valuable participants and guests. We prepare a specific number of special target cards and a designated area for their completion. These targets are associated with the achievement of human goals and serve as the basis for our exhibitions called "IQTARGETS: Message for Peace."
So when you see a paper target integrated into a painting on canvas, it's most likely one of the seven "IQTARGETS" collections.
During the EVENT stage, as part of the social art movement at a specific location, we present the idea to the participants and invite them to take part in the project by writing their wishes, indicating their names, and taking memorable photos and videos of their participation.
The collection of wishes can last from a few hours to several months, and sometimes even years. Examples of such events can include private or corporate events lasting two hours, booths at forums lasting three days, international sports competitions lasting seven days, or art exhibitions where people can participate in creating the next artwork.
Each target recorded by the participants has a unique number, and participants take a photo of their target to later locate it in their painting. Confirming their participation through photos and videos gives participants certain benefits, such as discounts on partner services or products.
During the ART PRODUCTION stage, after the event, each target is processed and carefully incorporated into the artistic canvas. Andrii Chernovil, the founder of the IQtargets Art project, creates transparent images of the corresponding event context on top of the records using special paints.
The photos and videos are shared on social media to engage participants and the public in this exciting process.
In the final stage, POST PRODUCTION, the actual finished artworks are exhibited both in reality and on the museum's online platform.
F: Very interesting! But how can participants have a piece of artwork in which they participated?
N: Certainly, this is one of our main goals - to ensure the accessibility of acquiring artworks. Participants and event organizers where the wishes are collected have the opportunity to order souvenirs such as T-shirts, keychains, magnets, or a limited number of prints, posters, and calendars featuring the artwork as a gift or keepsake for each participant.
These memorable souvenirs become true assets and family heirlooms that can be used for personal enjoyment or business purposes, but most importantly, in 50 years, these paintings will be invaluable keepers of your wishes for future generations.
Imagine if the famous masterpieces we see in world museums contained the names of our ancestors; that would be a source of pride, a relic, and a family value captured in art. That's why by participating today, you are creating both a national and a family cultural heritage.
"Participating today, we are creating both a national and a family cultural heritage."
F: I'm glad that my parents, guests, and I had the opportunity to participate in the EVENT. How long does it usually take to create a painting?
N: The time to create a painting depends on the specific project, but it usually takes at least one month. Post-production and the selection of artistic context are demanding tasks as they need to align with the event's idea and convey the artist's artistic message through the language of visuals.
F: When will we be able to see the results of our painting?
N: I believe the results will be presented at an exhibition closer to Art Basel. However, we will definitely generate public interest and share preliminary photos and episodes of the creation process
More events review you can find in web site AVESSA Mag:
Editor-in-Chiff Flavio Iryoda info@avessa@com
Museum of Human Goals social media pages
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